Equinety Ultimate OEC 64 oz
SKU: 3399E
AVAILABILITY: In stock (40 items)
VENDOR: Equinety
Highly concentrated and balanced Omega 3 oil with Vitamin E and Colloidal Silver. This flaxseed based oil was developed by veterinarians to provide your horse with a competitive edge. Equinety's Ultimate OEC supports the immune system, helps with recovery, provides more staminia and is ideal for all horses in training. Omega 3's can help with chronic lower airway inflammatory disease, metabolic conditions, help to increase fertility, improve joint health, increase heart heath and help to provide a healthier skin and coat. The E is for Vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant. Equinety Ultimate OEC helps to maintain healthy muscle, immune, and nerve function by providing Vitamin E. The C is for Colloidal Silver which works to fight bacterial and viral infections. Colloidal Silver also helps with gastric ulcers and maintaining a thirst drive.
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